Lisa McSherry dot com

The online home for Lisa McSherry, author and priestess

Year: 2023

Travel Altars: Dana Corby

I’m so excited to tell you about Dana Corby’s travel altars! Ms. Corby (who I’ve known for decades) is the senior-most practicing High Priestess of the Mohsian Tradition, with all its existing covens descending from her. She lives in the Pacific Northwest and offers a variety of tools through her shop (link, above). I LOVE […]

Annual Review & Goal Setting 2023

Each year at my birthday I review the previous year, celebrate my accomplishments, and set goals for the coming year. (Here’s my post from last year.) Sometimes I adjust those goals a bit at the witches’ new year (Samhain). Over the years I’ve learned to set fewer and smaller goals to allow for new opportunities […]

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