Lisa McSherry dot com

The online home for Lisa McSherry, author and priestess


Swimming in Deep Waters: Mermaids as Symbols of Transformation

For many of us, Hans Christian Anderson’s The Little Mermaid was our introduction to this fascinating and compelling myth, but stories of mermaids have appeared in every culture. Her form has been the chosen subject of diverse artists like Munch, Waterhouse, Beardsley, Pyle, Rubens and Bosch. Shakespeare mentioned mermaids and sirens repeatedly in his work, […]

Annual Review & Goal Setting 2023

Each year at my birthday I review the previous year, celebrate my accomplishments, and set goals for the coming year. (Here’s my post from last year.) Sometimes I adjust those goals a bit at the witches’ new year (Samhain). Over the years I’ve learned to set fewer and smaller goals to allow for new opportunities […]

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