Lisa McSherry dot com

The online home for Lisa McSherry, author and priestess

Month: December 2022

Article: Magick Online, A New Perspective on an Old Tradition

(This article first appeared on WitchVox, April 3, 2005) The world of online magick is just about 20 years old, having begun in the ‘good old days’ of Compuserve, when BBSs were the primary mode of transmitting information. Rituals were held online as early as 1985, with participants have reported highly successful results, akin to […]

Article: Herbal Vinegars: A Healthy & Tasty Addition to Your Diet

Vinegar infused with a variety of herbs makes a wonderful addition to your health regime. The word vinegar comes from the French vin aigre, which means “sour wine.” When air is exposed to fermented liquid, bacterial activity occurs and the result is acetic acid or sour vinegar. These are different from culinary vinegar in that […]

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