Writers have odd lives in a very particular way: we must simultaneously live in the future and present while creating new realities entirely.
Writers have odd lives in a very particular way: we must simultaneously live in the future and present while creating new realities entirely.
In just a few days most people will celebrate a new year. Some large number of people will also make promises about things they will do to make changes in their life. I am not one of them.
Each year at my birthday I review the previous year, celebrate my accomplishments, and set goals for the coming year. (Here’s my post from last year.) Sometimes I adjust those goals a bit at the witches’ new year (Samhain). Over the years I’ve learned to set fewer and smaller goals to allow for new opportunities […]
That’s me in the green two-piece, and this picture sums up an ongoing cycle in my life. In this cycle, I choose to do something beyond my current capabilities, and get a lot of negativity. In response, I dig in and basically just say eff off and do it anyway. It all works out somehow […]
It’s not quite ready to reveal, but I’ve got another book coming out. (cue squEEEees of delight)
As I mentioned in this post, the key difference between a writer and author is the latter puts their work out for public scrutiny. Therefore it logically follows that authors must develop a thick skin and acceptance that their work will be rejected.
There is an odd thing that happens from time to time. I’ll be hanging out with someone and they’ll tell me about their journal, or a poem they wrote the other day, or about the piece they are writing and they’ll end with, “but it’s not like I’m a real writer.”
I’m super excited about a few things that will be coming to this site and to me as an author in the social media milieu.
(That may be the longest title I’ve ever written for a blog post.) If you want to place your book with traditional publishers you do not just send them your manuscript. While there is a tiny possibility they will accept it directly, it is nearly impossible. Sending it directly subjects you to a high likelihood […]
Tonight, in just a few hours, I record the last podcast in the publicity push for A Witch’s Guide to Crafting A Practice. That will be the last of eleven podcasts total (whew!), all of which were a lot of fun. Last night I finished the second of my two participations in the Changing Times, […]