In just a few days most people will celebrate a new year. Some large number of people will also make promises about things they will do to make changes in their life. I am not one of them.
In just a few days most people will celebrate a new year. Some large number of people will also make promises about things they will do to make changes in their life. I am not one of them.
I woke up this morning with some thoughts rumbling around. Many of us are being called to step away from our boring lives and do something just a little bit more to make our worlds safe again. This is a call to change, one happening on a much larger and more obvious scale than previous […]
I am more than a little wary of people who decide how things are and never revisit those decisions.
I started this post in late October, long before the recent US election, although what you will read has been revised. Nonetheless, apparently I was prescient.
JaguarMoon started (allll the waaaaaay back in 2000) as a typical hierarchical* coven. I was the High Priestess and although three other people founded the coven along with me, they all felt they were not ready to Lead. In all honesty, neither was I, but Deity Called and I answered. Over the years the other […]
“I’ve been grieving people who aren’t dead.” A friend told me this, and it struck home with the intensity of an arrow to the gut. Living in a foreign country necessarily requires some level of grieving for one’s former life . . . let me rephrase, because that put it at a safe distance. Since […]
Autumn is such a lovely time to return our focus to our home. There is a reason so many of us have a fall cleaning time, mirroring the spring clean. We know we’re about to spend many months bundled up and away from the harsh weather outdoors. Its a reflection of the harvest time we […]
Each year I do a tarot reading to accompany my annual review and goal setting and ask what the coming year will bring.
Each year at my birthday I review the previous year, celebrate my accomplishments, and set goals for the coming year. (Here’s my post from last year.) Sometimes I adjust those goals a bit at the witches’ new year (Samhain). Over the years I’ve learned to set fewer and smaller goals to allow for new opportunities […]
This is a particularly difficult Mercury Retrograde and I’m feeling more than a little irritated and thwarted and just plain grumpy. Among other things, a major writing project and collaboration just got shut down after more than a year. In retrospect, I had my doubts about the promises made, but didn’t think it would go […]