Lisa McSherry dot com

The online home for Lisa McSherry, author and priestess


Article: Herbal Vinegars: A Healthy & Tasty Addition to Your Diet

Vinegar infused with a variety of herbs makes a wonderful addition to your health regime. The word vinegar comes from the French vin aigre, which means “sour wine.” When air is exposed to fermented liquid, bacterial activity occurs and the result is acetic acid or sour vinegar. These are different from culinary vinegar in that […]

How to Write a Non-fiction Book Proposal

(That may be the longest title I’ve ever written for a blog post.) If you want to place your book with traditional publishers you do not just send them your manuscript. While there is a tiny possibility they will accept it directly, it is nearly impossible. Sending it directly subjects you to a high likelihood […]

LlewellynCon 2022!

I’m super excited to tell you that I am one of many fantastic presenters at this year’s LlewellynCon! With forty presenters over ten days, and it’s FREE. You can’t beat that, folks. There are a number of talks that look particularly interesting — Duriel’s Listening to Anger and Guilt, Mortellus’ Deities of Death, Bowmani’s Sweep […]

Shadow Work, Briefly

In witchcraft, there has long been a strong (or, at least, vocal) community of people who espouse living solely in the light, eschewing all negative thoughts, feelings, and habits. Maybe that works when one is at a beginner level of witchcraft, but nearly impossible to do once we’ve moved past the basics. Why? Because focusing […]

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