The Deadend of Avoiding Conflict
Hi, my name is Lisa and I have a bad case of conflict-avoidance.(Hi Lisa)
Hi, my name is Lisa and I have a bad case of conflict-avoidance.(Hi Lisa)
I love gathering people together under some pretense, and then sitting with them for a delicious meal. This is usually accompanied by a bit of wine and a lot of laughter. Sometimes I think a core part of my spirituality relies on regular gatherings. Which isn’t a bad way to navigate life’s shoals.
We all stand on the brink of the new year, the cusp between times. No wonder it seems like a good time to shed the old and welcome the new. Resolutions are made now, drawing on the power of this change time to manifest them. Or that’s the hope. But I urge you to consider […]
My apologies, I meant to post last week, but lost track of time. Does that happen to you during the holiday season? I am generally an optimist — I look for the positive in people and events around me and tend to stay away from making dire predictions. Its part and parcel of being a […]
The other day I got a question from a longtime reader. J. (the reader) asked me how I “do it,” by which they meant how it is that I not only teach and write, but publish and do anything in the public eye. Later that same day, one of my coven members reached out to […]
Each year at my birthday I review the previous year, celebrate my accomplishments, and set goals for the coming year. (Here’s my post from last year.) Sometimes I adjust those goals a bit at the witches’ new year (Samhain). Over the years I’ve learned to set fewer and smaller goals to allow for new opportunities […]
I’m super excited about a few things that will be coming to this site and to me as an author in the social media milieu.
(This article first appeared on WitchVox, April 3, 2005) The world of online magick is just about 20 years old, having begun in the ‘good old days’ of Compuserve, when BBSs were the primary mode of transmitting information. Rituals were held online as early as 1985, with participants have reported highly successful results, akin to […]
Vinegar infused with a variety of herbs makes a wonderful addition to your health regime. The word vinegar comes from the French vin aigre, which means “sour wine.” When air is exposed to fermented liquid, bacterial activity occurs and the result is acetic acid or sour vinegar. These are different from culinary vinegar in that […]
(That may be the longest title I’ve ever written for a blog post.) If you want to place your book with traditional publishers you do not just send them your manuscript. While there is a tiny possibility they will accept it directly, it is nearly impossible. Sending it directly subjects you to a high likelihood […]