In just a few days most people will celebrate a new year. Some large number of people will also make promises about things they will do to make changes in their life. I am not one of them.
In just a few days most people will celebrate a new year. Some large number of people will also make promises about things they will do to make changes in their life. I am not one of them.
I woke up this morning with some thoughts rumbling around. Many of us are being called to step away from our boring lives and do something just a little bit more to make our worlds safe again. This is a call to change, one happening on a much larger and more obvious scale than previous […]
I started this post in late October, long before the recent US election, although what you will read has been revised. Nonetheless, apparently I was prescient.
“I’ve been grieving people who aren’t dead.” A friend told me this, and it struck home with the intensity of an arrow to the gut. Living in a foreign country necessarily requires some level of grieving for one’s former life . . . let me rephrase, because that put it at a safe distance. Since […]
Each year at my birthday I review the previous year, celebrate my accomplishments, and set goals for the coming year. (Here’s my post from last year.) Sometimes I adjust those goals a bit at the witches’ new year (Samhain). Over the years I’ve learned to set fewer and smaller goals to allow for new opportunities […]
This is a particularly difficult Mercury Retrograde and I’m feeling more than a little irritated and thwarted and just plain grumpy. Among other things, a major writing project and collaboration just got shut down after more than a year. In retrospect, I had my doubts about the promises made, but didn’t think it would go […]
I love gathering people together under some pretense, and then sitting with them for a delicious meal. This is usually accompanied by a bit of wine and a lot of laughter. Sometimes I think a core part of my spirituality relies on regular gatherings. Which isn’t a bad way to navigate life’s shoals.
Each year at my birthday I review the previous year, celebrate my accomplishments, and set goals for the coming year. (Here’s my post from last year.) Sometimes I adjust those goals a bit at the witches’ new year (Samhain). Over the years I’ve learned to set fewer and smaller goals to allow for new opportunities […]
This popped up in a social media memory today, a piece I wrote seven years ago. As I say, I don’t usually post such personal pieces, but since this is still so relevant, y’all get to read it now.
I knew when I moved to Portugal that I would need to learn Portuguese. I even started (using Memrise) before we left, but since it lacked context the lessons were boring and nothing stuck. especially since I wasn’t learning vocabulary that was useful in day to day life for the most part. Ate logo (minus […]