This is a particularly difficult Mercury Retrograde and I’m feeling more than a little irritated and thwarted and just plain grumpy. Among other things, a major writing project and collaboration just got shut down after more than a year. In retrospect, I had my doubts about the promises made, but didn’t think it would go as bad as it did. Yes, I know that’s vague, but I don’t feel the need to make a public fuss.*
As part of our Lammas ritual, we offer up a sacrifice. For some, it was the fruit of their labor in some form — a creative piece, a project completed, a task finished. Some take the opportunity to offer up an aspect of their life or person that isn’t useful anymore, like perfectionism or caring too much what others think. I went in a different direction and offered up the fostering of the mother cat and her three kittens we were in the midst of. Found on a quinta (a local version of a farm type property), there originally had been two other kittens, but they disappeared. We were literally their salvation.
We’d been pet keepers in our previous life, even kittens, so we did our best to protect the house and make the space kitten safe. It wasn’t perfect, which was part of the sacrifice I offered. Mostly, though, we succeeded in socializing the mother and got two of the kittens adopted.
As a bonus, we were treated to the adorable chaos of three kittens romping through our home for nearly two months. We were reminded of the power of nature in its positive and negative aspects all together.
Here’s a pic of them all together. Mama Cali(co), A’tuan (tortoise), (tuxedo) Max, and Greg the Ginger.

The foster just ended, and we’re a little sad. But it was a great experience, and I was glad to offer up all of it in honor and with reverence.
*Buy me a drink and ask nicely.