Before I say anything else, I have to acknowledge that my life is in a very different place from what I imagined it might be last year. I’m still in a transitional state, so much continues to be in flux. More than anything, my goals last year envisioned a life as a newly-retired person, living in a new country. (Here’s that post.)

I mostly haven’t accomplished any of the goals I set for myself, and that is upsetting.
Celebrating, even though not planned:
Publicizing A Witch’s Guide to Crafting Your Practice is going well. I’ve got articles published, many podcast guest spots planned, and even a couple of conferences.
Finished a painting. It’s DIY/ Paint by Numbers, but I finished a new kind of art and learned a lot about acrylics and brush strokes in the process.
Goals achieved:
- Maintained my good blood work numbers.
- Made new friends in Portugal.
- Visit with friends and family (via Zoom) regularly.
- Began transitioning out of the “hub” role within JaguarMoon. Impossible to do without the willing participation and support of the rest of the coven. This has been a tremendous success and I’m blown away by how well it’s gone.
Perhaps not surprisingly, my goals for the coming year are very similar to those from last year:
- Transcribe father’s family history — this is a big project as I have several hours of my father talking about the stories he heard growing up to transcribe and tons of scans of pictures and ephemera to catalog.
- No alcohol at home.
- Daily stretching/ yoga.
- Daily strength work.
- Daily walk.
- Hit 10,000 steps regularly.
- Lose inches around my middle.
- Get 7+ hours of sleep every night.
- Create several workbooks (Leadership and ShadowWork are first) for JaguarMoon with the idea of growing members into leaders. I’ll never be able to move away from the hub if I don’t create the new “me”.
- Create several, at least two, advanced lessons for JaguarMoon (Tarot, and Astrology are most likely) to add to Chakra Work lesson already available.
- Start the next book. I’ve got ideas for several and I want to start putting the words down on paper.
- Learn a new art. I think it will be watercolor, but general “drawing” will do.
- Take care of my Self. Where’s the love and respect? Past time to make this happen.
I also do a tarot reading for the coming year. Here’s a post about that.
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