I’m super excited about a few things that will be coming to this site and to me as an author in the social media milieu.

First of all — we finally have a newsletter! The signup is available at the bottom of the landing page and I personally guarantee that I will never sell your information or spam you with random “here I am” posts. Like many authors, typical social media platforms are turning out to be very difficult to use to . . . you know . . . COMMUNICATE with our readers and potential new audience. Either we have to buy ads to boost content, or risk being put in “jail” for using words that a line of mathematical script (aka the algorithm) deems unacceptable. So, please sign up for my newsletter so we can stay in touch. I’ll be posting there monthly, and that will be where freebies and special news will be available.
Secondly, I’m making a concerted effort to move my writing/ pagan contacts off of my main Lisa McSherry Account on Facebook and over to my Lisa McSherry (Author) account. Y’all are far less interested in what I had for dinner than about the newest writing project, and the people on that account don’t care about my latest podcast appearance, but do want to know where I found kaffa leaves for my curry dinner. SIt makes sense to separate the two and clean things up.
Third of all, I’m creating an author-specific Instagram. I’ll be moving all my (interesting) pagan and writing ‘grams to the new account and streamlining the old one to be a bit more personal (and boring, truly).
These changes will be happening over the rest of January, with extra delays from Mercury’s dance retrograde through the 19th.