In the first part of this article, I talked about the first two of three steps I feel are necessary to build a long-lasting and health magickal group, defining the group’s purpose and creating connections among group members. This essay continues that with what I see as the third vital aspect: creating a group mind, or egregore.

To do magick within a group requires that the entire group focus on the defined and desired outcome. That intent, in part, requires us to trust that our partners are acting in accord with the outcome. Group magick requires that the individual psyches within the magickal group be fused into a singular entity, which is called the group mind. In her book Applied Magic, Dion Fortune says, “[T)he Group mind is built up out of the many contributions of many individualized consciousness concentrating on the same idea.” The group mind is not a consciousness in a self-reflective sense but instead is the product of the focused and directed will of the entire group. As a result, the power and efficacy of magickal actions taken by a well-disciplined group can be multiplied exponentially over what’s possible by a single person. I believe magickal groups should do ritual, and frequently. “What could be more conducive,” asks Fortune, “to the formation of a powerful group mind than … an occult ritual?”
I certainly agree.
The group mind phenomenon is constantly in effect, though people rarely notice it. The consciousness we all possess is very fluid and permeable. Each of us feels energy, emotion, and intent from others on a daily basis. We know when someone has a friendly “vibe” or a hostile intent, even without any cues given by words or physical gestures. All of us are psychically sensitive to some degree. When this sensitivity is refined in meditation, it becomes obvious that thoughts and feelings are very often a group phenomenon rather than just a personal experience.
The Astral Temple
One way to strengthen your group’s collective mind is to create an astral temple. It is a refuge, a place of learning, and a holding place for the energies and power of the assembly. Its creation can take place in a single ritual, or with a series, mirroring the building of a physical structure (laying the foundation, erecting the pillars, marking spaces for different rooms, etc.).
- Since the creation of the temple is a group project, I recommend that the group reach a consensus about how it looks before performing the ritual. In my tradition, both Yule and Imbolc are considered excellent times to begin this kind of group endeavor.
- Begin by describing your temple. Have your group meet in circle, perhaps even casting a formal circle to charge the space. Designate a person ( or several, taking turns) to take notes. Each person takes a turn at describing what the Temple looks like in general. Examples might include: “it has Greek columns,” “the walls are made of Egyptian sandstone,” “it is very simple with clean lines and an uncluttered space,” “I see a fantastical gothic wizard’s workroom,” etc.
- Make a list of common elements. Discuss if there should be specific motifs that are forbidden. (My group has a member with a snake phobia, so we have made a point of “no snake imagery” within our Temple.) Examine your temple as a group; do the different directions/elements have entirely different areas of the Temple? If so, do they look radically different from other sections? (The differing styles can appeal to various members, allowing each member to have a “favorite” part of the Temple.) Is the altar central to the Temple? Is the Temple open or closed? Are particular members drawn to specific areas? The group may decide to assign pairs to each direction/element, with the leader responsible for the altar area.
- Finally, discuss how your group will “travel” to the Astral Temple. What elements will always be present, creating “triggers” within the magickal mind? From these discussions, decide what the Temple will look like, and fill in the details of the Astral Temple Ritual.

Ritual for Creating an Astral Temple
Cast your circle according to your tradition; focus on the protective aspects of each element. If your magickal group works with specific deities call upon them. If not, I recommend Athena, Cerridwen, Hermes/ Mercury, Thoth, or Isis.
Get comfortable, then move into trance using your favorite induction method; choose one with a journey motif. When everyone is deeply in trance, say:
You find yourself walking along a path through a dense forest. You are looking for a place, a place you have only been told of, but you know it exists. The path sharply turns ahead, and you find yourself at the base of a large hill. Set deeply into the side of the hill is a doorway. The door is locked.
You reach into your pocket and pull out a key. Use it to unlock the door and enter the temple. This place is sacred and secure. On the other side of the door is an entryway; within the temple there are four gates, towers, pillars, or doorways at the quarters in your temple leading to other places. You will explore them later.
Together, describe the temple as everyone had agreed. (I suggest having several individuals describe a specific section.) Return to the center and examine the entire area of your temple. Create the details of your surroundings. In the center, manifest your altar and circle space. When the temple is constructed as you all have agreed, gather in the center. Hold hands and chant:
As we willed, so mote it be!
Bless this space. Blessed be!
Feel the love and energy of your group fill the temple; let it consecrate the space. When you are ready, lead your group back to the material plane using the same path that brought you there, making sure to lock the temple door behind you.
A healthy magickal group is a place of joy. Build it on a solid foundation, grow it through the creation of strong relationships, and maintain it through group-specific tasks. These three steps will help ensure that your group lives long, and prospers.
It seems like a good moment to remind readers that I wrote a book about this topic. Magickal Connections, Creating a Lasting and Healthy Spiritual Group looks at many aspects of groups with a magickal focus. Small or large, traditional and not. It’s still in print, and I can have a hard copy sent to you for $14 including shipping within the United States. Ex-U.S. shipping, contact me directly for a quote. Soft (electronic) copies are available through all of the usual places.