Later this week, I’ll be leading a full moon ritual with JaguarMoon Coven. The ritual is one of healing, taking advantage of Virgo’s natural energies. It’s based on the notion that we are all perfect creations in and of ourselves. Sometimes we grow dis-eased (note the distinction of language there) and need reminding of that perfection, or how to return to ease.
If you’d like to do this ritual, you will need: a glass of water and a cut lemon. You’ll be squeezing the lemon into the water and drinking it as part of the ritual.
I encourage you to use whatever method of creating sacred space feels best to you. In JaguarMoon we follow a typical structure of defining the circle, inviting the four quarters, and then the Goddess and God. In the ritual itself we will work with Them in Their aspects of Earth Mother and Sky Father.
When you are ready to begin the heart of the ritual, say out loud or to yourself, “We are all perfect beings. We are each a perfect expression of the Divine within us. Our natural birthright is radiant health, beauty, energy, vitality and joy. There are no limitations. Our bodies continually change, replenish, and rebuild. At each moment we can remind it that there need be no other pattern to follow except that Divine perfection. As we bring our Selves into alignment with that perfect expression, the more our bodies will express our own individual perfection.”
Then do a visualization, beginning by taking a deep breath, filling your body with fresh pure air. Take another. Feel the soles of your feet pressing into the earth. Feel your connection to Her. Root yourself in a bit and feel the energy of Her strength and health flowing steadily into you. Feel that energy rise through your body and flood through you. Pure golden light.
Breathe this light out into the air around you, into the circle you cast, which is imbued with the presence of the Sky Father. You are surrounded by the strength of the Earth Mother, contained within the circle of the Father. Balanced in the sphere of golden light.
*** If you are the person out of balance (i.e., ill) then direct your attention to the part of your body that has been in pain.
*** If you have someone you know who is out of balance, bring them to you in the circle, hold them in your hand. Bathe them in the radiant glow of the Mother and the Father.
*** If you are not in pain, or have no illness, then just stay in the moment, basking in the glow of the love of the Mother and the Father. Breathe this loving light in and in releasing it forth, know that you are connected directly to Them.
Open your Self to that Divine golden light and let it fill you completely. When you are full to the brim:
*** bathe that part of you which is hurting in the light. Wrap it, flood it, do what seems most correct to that part of you. Let Deity do the healing. You are Its divine channel.
*** if another person, surround them in the Golden light. Do not try to direct it; ask the Divine to do what is most needed. Let it flow through you and don’t try to guide or direct it more than in the most general way into a particular direction. Let Deity do the healing. You are Its divine channel.
*** If you are not in pain, or have no illness, then just stay in the moment, basking in the glow of the love of the Mother and the Father. Breathe this loving light in and in releasing it forth, know that you are connected directly to Them.
See/Feel them or yourself as divinely, radiantly healthy.
When you feel this has taken its course, squeeze the lemon into the glass of water. Reflect on the universal healing properties of clean water for a moment. Drink the lemon water.
End by offering thanks to the Lord and Lady, great parents eternal, for your gift of well-being. May we live in health to celebrate all the more! Blessed be!
If you wish, you might spend time sitting in the bath of golden light, enjoying the sensation. You might ask the part of your self that is out of balance whether it has a message for you. Is there something you need to understand or to do – at this moment or in your life in general? Bring a journal and writing instrument into the circle with you if you wish to ask this question.