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A Magickal Autumn Brew

Autumn is such a lovely time to return our focus to our home.

There is a reason so many of us have a fall cleaning time, mirroring the spring clean. We know we’re about to spend many months bundled up and away from the harsh weather outdoors. Its a reflection of the harvest time we are in the midst of — checking our resources and making sure all is well for the upcoming cold season.

This is one of my favorite magickal brews to use during the darker time of the year.

A common practice in Europe that was brought to America is the gift of an orange at Christmas. Oranges were exotic in northern climes, making this a very special gift. Useful too. The Vitamin C in the flesh would help ward off illness, and the peels were useful in a variety of ways.

Now I live in a place where the streets are lined with orange trees. Although the flesh is quite sour, the peels are sweet and fragrant, making them a joy to work with all through the dark of the year.

Magickally speaking, oranges represent wealth and positivity. Virgil (he of the epic poem The Aeneid) called them “lucky apples”, and with their bright color they are associated with the sun and happiness. To hold one is to bring a bit of brightness into our life. They, in any form – flowers, oil, essence, or peel – can be be used in any magick involving luck, happiness, and prosperity.

The peels of 2 oranges
5 whole cloves
1 cup (250ml) water

Before peeling, thoroughly wash the oranges to remove any pesticides or impurities and gently pat dry. Peel carefully, saving the flesh to eat.
In a small saucepan, bring the water to a rolling boil.
Carefully add the cleaned orange peels and cloves to the boiling water, immediately reduce heat so to a simmer.
Allow the mixture to gently simmer for about 15 minutes.
Strain into a cup, discarding the peels and cloves.*
Enjoy the brew!

This brew is chock full of antioxidants and Vitamin C. There is some (scientific) evidence that cloves offer antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and digestive support, making this drink a great choice for combating infections, soothing inflammation, stimulating digestion, and alleviating digestive discomfort.

As a bonus, your house will smell amazing.

You can personalize this brew with different additions or replacements. Here are a few:
Cinnamon sticks: aligned with love, and money.
Other citrus: lemons, limes, citron, all are wonderful flavor and happiness boosters.
Star Anise: (use sparingly, this is an intense flavor) promotes psychic awareness, luck and protection.
Ginger: encourages balance, healing, grounding, and success.
Honey: invites abundance, healing, and nourishment.
Cardamon: encourages love, beauty, confidence, and creativity.

* Or, put some cooled peels into your garbage disposal with a few ice cubes to clean and deodorize it.

A Magickal Autumn Brew

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