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Birthday Tarot Reading 2024

Each year I do a tarot reading to accompany my annual review and goal setting and ask what the coming year will bring.

Here it is, presented without comment. (Rider Waite deck)

Card at the center, representing me: Page of Wands

Crossing the center card (presenting an obstacle): The Devil

Card at the top (the goal, or culmination): King of Pentacles

Card at the bottom (the foundation): 10 of Wands

Card to the left (influence moving away): Strength

Card to the right (influence coming in): Seven of Swords

Card at the base (me): The Star

Card second from bottom (my environment): The Hierophant

Card second from top (hopes and fears): Wheel of Change

Card at the top (ultimate outcome): The World

Birthday Tarot Reading 2024

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